Thursday, April 7, 2011


i've been eating A LOT lately. not really sure what's up with that (not prego!). i think i probably eat about twice as much as dan does. we eat the same amount of food for dinner, and then i have a second dinner about an hour later. he has a glass of water before bed, and i have a bowl of something or a handful of cookies before bed.
and when i stay up this late* i get super hungry and i come to a dilemma: go to bed starving or go to bed fat?
not that eating one midnight snack is going to make me fat, but i've eaten a midnight snack** each night for the last few weeks and it's starting to show. my tummy jiggles - it didn't do that before.
oh, body. what are you doing to me?

*midnight used to be early. i used to stay up until 2 or 3 on a regular basis. what happened? am i old???!
**snack = 500 calorie meal

on a happier note - i'm doing pull-ups!
i've never done a pull-up in my life... until now.
a while ago i randomly decided to buy a pull-up bar and it has been the best investment i have ever made. dan does sets of 5 throughout the day and i do one (i'm still a girl) each time i enter/leave the room. it's wonderful.