Thursday, March 25, 2010


so, it's been awhile. here's what we've been up to:

  • we've been working like CRAZY. we like to get on insane save/make-money kicks. or maybe our whole marriage we've been on just one really big kick? probably.
  • amanda picked up tutoring on the side. she currently tutors trig and genetics.
  • dan has been working a lot of overtime AND manages to keep the apartment looking nice. and feeds amanda well.
  • after being married for over a year we finally got our wedding video. it is perfect. i wanted to post it here, but it's too big.

    here's a link:

  • amanda applied to graduates schools.
  • amanda got interviews at the University of Utah and Arizona State University
  • amanda got offers from both schools.
  • team damanda searched, pondered, prayed, and made a whole lot of pro/con lists, and decided to go to arizona.
  • dan found out he will be able to work from home no matter where we end up!
  • dan has a potential raise coming as well.
  • we went to arizona last weekend. friday we drove straight to pheonix after work, arrived at about 5am. saturday we spent the day looking at houses. saturday night we stayed at the nicest hotel dan has ever been to (but not the nicest hotel amanda's ever been to, because she's a spoiled little girl). we hot-tubbed. sunday we spent the day driving back to midvale.
  • mon-wed: moving from our apartment to amanda's parents (to save money and avoid double house/rent payments) and getting approved for loans.
  • today: made an offer on a house
  • a couple of hours ago: got our offer ACCEPTED!

we'll be in arizona in august :)

more updates to come!!!